Our brain

Extra testosterone reduces your empathy

10 February 2011

A new study from Utrecht and Cambridge Universities has for the first time found that an administration of testosterone under the tongue in volunteers negatively affects a person’s ability to ‘mind read’, an indication of empathy. The findings are published this week in the journal Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Cambridge Ideas - Bird Tango

11 November 2010

Professor Nicky Clayton researches the social behaviour, intelligence and dance credentials of birds!

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Twilight literature

The Twilight Zone?

03 September 2010

The effect on the teenage brain of books like Twilight and the Harry Potter series is to be examined at Cambridge University.

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Why more education lowers dementia risk

23 July 2010

A team of researchers from the UK and Finland has discovered why people who stay in education longer have a lower risk of developing dementia; a question that has puzzled scientists for the past decade.

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Major new study into brain ageing

25 May 2010

Efforts to understand the effects of ageing on the brain have been given a major boost with the announcement of a new £5m grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to Cambridge researchers.

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