Waldmann, Clark and Hale

Campath: from innovation to impact

01 August 2009

The path from innovation to impact can be long and complex. Here we describe the 30-year journey behind the development of a drug now being used to treat multiple sclerosis.

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Free tape measure waistline healthy living stock

EU funding boost for obesity research

18 May 2009

A new European research consortium, in which Cambridge will play a major role, is to receive 3 million Euros to conduct research into the escalating epidemic of obesity. The 'EurOCHIP’ project brings together a group of leading European experts to investigate how signals from the gut communicate with the brain to control appetite.

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Corey Seehaus

The human brain is on the edge of chaos

23 March 2009

There has been speculation for many years that the human brain lives “on the edge of chaos”, at a critical transition point between randomness and order; but direct experimental evidence has been lacking.

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Second-hand smoke linked to cognitive impairment

12 February 2009

Exposure to second-hand smoke could increase the risk of developing dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment, according to research published by Dr David Llewellyn from the University of Cambridge and his collaborators.

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Discarded Teenagers

Key to regulation of puberty discovered

11 December 2008

A team of scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Cukurova in Turkey has taken a major step to understanding how the brain controls the onset of puberty.

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