Scientists explore the inner workings of the teenage brain
15 May 2013New study to reveal what happens to the human brain as we mature; research will also provide insight into the development of mental disorders
New study to reveal what happens to the human brain as we mature; research will also provide insight into the development of mental disorders
Research shows chronic users’ brains age dramatically faster than their non-drug using peers.
Scientists have created a simple new model of the human brain which reproduces the statistics of its complex network organization.
Research provides insight into why some individuals with a family history of drug abuse are at higher risk of addiction.
What’s the point of a brain? This fundamental question has led Professor Daniel Wolpert to some remarkable conclusions about how and why the brain controls and predicts movement. In a recent talk for TED, Wolpert explores the research that resulted in him receiving the Golden Brain Award.
What is it about the human brain that makes language possible? Two evolutionary systems working together, say neuroscientists Professor William Marslen-Wilson and Professor Lorraine Tyler.
Research provides new insight into why some individuals may be more aggressive than others.
Research gives insight into why some people develop addiction.
Research provides important insight into ‘systemizing’ theory of autism.
Drug abuse is probably linked to an in-built tendency to act without thinking, as shown by studies of siblings of chronic stimulant users, a leading neuroscientist will claim this week.