Sphinx of Giza (2005-05-290)

Egyptology in prisons

08 February 2008

The project Accessing Virtual Egypt is breaking new ground in knowledge transfer between museums and prisons, with empowering results

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Dr Mate Lengyel 'in search of lost memories'

In search of lost memories

01 February 2008

‘I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the cake. […] And suddenly the memory...

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The thinking hominid

01 February 2008

The discovery in southern India of a well-preserved quarry dating from a million years ago is helping researchers to answer: how intelligent were our ancestors?

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open book pages

Can machines read?

01 February 2008

Enabling computers to understand language might help users to overcome online information overload.

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Human placental villi showing signs of oxidative stress

Great expectations in pregnancy research

01 February 2008

Most pregnancies develop normally but when complications arise they can have devastating effects. Two recent initiatives in Cambridge hope to deliver a new understanding of...

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