A team studying the psychological well-being of children created by assisted reproduction has been awarded a prize for their work.
A team studying the psychological well-being of children created by assisted reproduction has been awarded a prize for their work.
To be awarded a prize for the best presentation at an international conference is a remarkable achievement for the Centre for Family Research given that the competitors were largely from the biological and biomedical sciences.
Professor Golombok
A report on work carried out by the Centre for Family Research (CFR) was awarded the Fertility Society of Australia (FSA) Exchange prize at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Barcelona.
The research is being carried out by Polly Casey, Lucy Blake, Jennifer Readings and Dr Vasanti Jadva, and is led by Professor Susan Golombok. With funding from the US National Institutes for Health (NIH), the longitudinal study is looking at parent–child relationships and the psychological well-being of children in families created by surrogacy, egg donation and donor insemination. The study is also examining whether and when parents decide to tell their children about their origins.
The CFR is based in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. ‘To be awarded a prize for the best presentation at an international conference is a remarkable achievement for the Centre for Family Research given that the competitors were largely from the biological and biomedical sciences,’ said Professor Golombok, Director of the CFR. ‘The award enabled the researchers to travel to Brisbane to present a paper at the recent FSA conference.’
For more information, please contact Polly Casey (pc371@cam.ac.uk).
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