Making the most of our minds

10 Mar 2009

A distinguished panel will explore how we can improve our minds, brains and emotions and what these interventions could mean for the economy and our wellbeing, on Wednesday 11 March.

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Can science beat terrorism?

09 Mar 2009

A distinguished panel will ask if science can provide the solution to growing terrorism fears or whether these same solutions could be detrimental to our basic civil rights, on Monday 9 March.

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Cambridge welcomes a new batch of School Liaison Officers

22 Sep 2008

The ranks of College School Liaison Officers (SLOs) have been augmented by some new faces over the past couple of months, as a growing number of Colleges make appointments and previous SLOs move on to pastures new at the end of their one- or two-year contracts.

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Hurry, hurry – Open Cambridge tours booking up fast

02 Sep 2008

Free tours of the University of Cambridge, offered as part of Open Cambridge, are booking up fast. Taking place on Saturday 13 September, Open Cambridge is a new initiative which will give hundreds of people the chance to see some hidden treasures and enjoy both buildings and gardens.

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