High-achieving sixth-formers taking AS Chemistry at schools and colleges in the East of England are being invited to sign up for a series of Saturday Master Classes at the University of Cambridge.

The series of ten sessions is aimed at Year-12 students with a passion for chemistry who are considering studying the subject or a related science at university. The classes will focus on exploring chemistry beyond the curriculum and will cover topics such as the synthesis of medicines, analytical chemistry and green chemistry.

The classes, which will run on Saturdays from 12 noon to 4.30pm, will be led by Dr Peter Wothers of the University’s Department of Chemistry. Participants will work in small groups with Cambridge academics, staff and undergraduates. The first session takes place on 25 October and the full list of dates is set out below.

The Expert Master Classes are organised by Excellence East, the regional hub that links universities and the Eastern Region Gifted and Talented Partnership with local schools and colleges.

The course costs £100 and there are 100 places available. Ten places offered free of charge for students whose total household income is less than £15,575 and a further 30 places are available at half price to students whose household income is less than £30,810.

Joanna Taylor, Excellence East Coordinator at the Cambridge Admissions Office believes the classes are a fantastic chance for sixth-formers to step outside the curriculum:

“The classes are a unique opportunity to develop and deepen your knowledge and understanding of this area of science in a university environment with a top expert from the University of Cambridge. The classes aren’t designed simply as revision-type sessions based on the A-level Chemistry syllabus with the aim of improving A-level grades. The subject matter will in some cases go beyond the A-level syllabus.”

Dr Peter Wothers was one of the team of experts involved in the Discovery Channel's recent TV series "The Big Experiment". His annual lecture, complete with the famous Rice Krispie explosion, for the Cambridge Science Festival is always a sell-out and among the most popular events on the festival programme.

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chairman of the 2009 International Chemistry Olympiad, and a published author, Dr Wothers is passionate about chemistry and communicating this enthusiasm to students.

Applicants must be taking Chemistry and Maths at A level and have achieved top grades at GCSE in both subjects. Dr Wothers and colleagues will be making some use of Chemistry Olympiad materials in the Expert Master Classes. Prospective applicants can check them out at www.chemistryolympiad.co.uk.

The series will take place on the following Saturdays: 25 October, 8 and 22 November, 6 December 2008, 10, 17 and 31 January, 7, 21 and 28 February. 2009. To download an application form, go to www.excellenceeast.org.uk. The deadline for applications is 14 October.

For more information on the Young Gifted and Talented national programme log onto http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk.

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