Topic description and stories

From exploring ancient ideas of generation to understanding new frontiers in fertility, Cambridge researchers are working across disciplines to study reproduction from multiple perspectives.

"Reproduction matters to us all": latest issue of Horizons magazine

20 November 2020

Professor Kathy Niakan talks about why it’s vital to take a multidisciplined approach to understanding the urgent challenges posed by reproduction today – and introduces our Spotlight on some of this work, highlighted in the latest issue of Cambridge's Horizons magazine.

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I’ve got two dads – and they adopted me

04 Mar 2013

Research into adoptive families headed by same-sex couples paints a positive picture of relationships and wellbeing in these new families. The study...

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Cast of Laetoli footprints, Tanzania, in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Natural killer cells played a vital role in human evolution

08 Feb 2013

Natural killer cells – a vital part of the immune system – have a dual role in protecting against infection and ensuring reproduction. Scientists...

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Scientists discover how epigenetic information could be inherited

25 Jan 2013

Research reveals the mechanism of epigenetic reprogramming.

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Fall leaves

Who do you think you are?

23 Nov 2012

Each year in the UK over a thousand children are conceived using donor tissue. Many parents find it hard to tell their children that they were donor...

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Understanding the placenta: the key to healthy life

22 Aug 2012

The placenta is the interface between the mother and her baby, which means it is not only key to a successful pregnancy, it determines the future...

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Pregnant woman

Delivering better ways of preventing stillbirth

11 May 2012

Despite recent dramatic reductions in cot death rates in the UK, and the development of sophisticated screening for Down’s syndrome, preventing...

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P.676-1985 William Blake Infant Joy, Songs of Innocence (1789) (detail)

The greatest gift

23 Apr 2012

The first comprehensive study of egg-sharing between women undergoing fertility treatment reveals striking empathy on the part of donors and...

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Recently fertilised egg

Egg Cetera #1: The immortal egg

05 Apr 2012

In the first report of our Egg Cetera series on egg-related research, biologists Dr Harry Leitch and Professor Azim Surani describe how advances in...

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Rainy season in The Gambia

Exposure to micronutrients prior to pregnancy has been associated with gene modifications in offspring

22 Feb 2012

Scientists find that micronutrients affect methylation, which has been associated with changes in the immune system.

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Mouse embryo development

Under the Microscope #3 - Mouse embryo

26 Jan 2012

In this video, we see a mouse embryo developing. Dr Erica Watson tells us that studying this process helps us better understand human pregnancy.

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Weighing in for the Cambridge Baby Growth Study

How does your baby grow?

31 Oct 2011

A study of infant growth, tracking 2,400 babies from gestation to the age of two, has provided data of unique depth – and is already adding to our...

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Human egg injected with sperm

Selecting the fittest embryos for survival

10 Aug 2011

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new technique which could significantly increase success rates of pregnancies and reduce...

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