Topic description and stories

Cambridge researchers have played a vital role in the fight back against COVID-19, from the use of genomics to track its spread and mathematic modelling to understand infection rates through to innovative screening programmes to keep its students and staff safe.

Underactive immune response may explain obesity link to COVID-19 severity

20 March 2023

Individuals who are obese may be more susceptible to severe COVID-19 because of a poorer inflammatory immune response, say Cambridge scientists.

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What does lockdown mean for the future of our food supply?

03 Apr 2020

As countries adopt different approaches, the question remains: how best to enact a lockdown without compromising critical food supply chains in the...

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Closed signs

Younger workers hit harder by coronavirus economic shock in UK and US

03 Apr 2020

Those on low incomes are also more likely to have lost jobs or pay, and less able to complete work tasks from home. Researchers warn the COVID-19...

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Hand holding sample tube marked with Covid-19. Image by Fernando Zhiminaicela via Pixabay

Support our COVID-19 research fund

03 Apr 2020

Your donation will help us to work on research to find a vaccine against the COVID–19 coronavirus.

Collecting COVID-19

03 Apr 2020

Cambridge University Library appeals for help in building a collaborative history of the coronavirus outbreak

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Gardening and Wellness: connect to nature during lockdown

03 Apr 2020

On 22nd March 2020, Cambridge University Botanic Garden closed its gates to protect visitors and staff during the global coronavirus pandemic...

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Rapid COVID-19 diagnostic test developed by Cambridge team to be deployed in hospitals

02 Apr 2020

A new rapid diagnostic test for COVID-19, developed by a University of Cambridge spinout company and capable of diagnosing the infection in under 90...

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Opinion: Patient zero: why it's such a toxic term

01 Apr 2020

Dr Richard McKay traces the history of the 'patient zero' idea through epidemics such as HIV and typhoid, and the return of this trope with COVID-19.

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Opinion: Can cats really get or pass on COVID-19, as a report from Belgium suggests?

31 Mar 2020

Should we be concerned about the coronavirus spreading to cats? Not yet, says Dr Sarah Caddy in this article for The Conversation, even after a...

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Opinion: How we lost our collective memory of epidemics

31 Mar 2020

Over the past 70 years richer nations have gradually lost their sense of danger concerning epidemics and serious infections, writes Professor Gordon...

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Close-up of virus molecule

Identification of viruses and bacteria could be sped up through computational methods

30 Mar 2020

A new multinational study has shown how the process of distinguishing viruses and bacteria could be accelerated through the use of computational...

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From left, University volunteers Rob Glew, Liz George and Nicole Horst

University uses spin-out company’s innovation to co-ordinate donations of equipment in fight against COVID-19

30 Mar 2020

A logistics centre has been set up by Cambridge University to process donations of personal protective equipment - including face masks, gloves and...

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Person sitting on sofa with laptop

Opinion: Coronavirus: five ways to be a better manager when working from home

25 Mar 2020

Everyone is adjusting to life during the coronavirus pandemic. For many, working from home is the new normal and poses all sorts of new challenges...

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