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Cambridge in Autumn: Bicycles at Trinity College

Environmental report highlights Cambridge’s progress towards sustainability goals

18 Apr 2018

The University has published its Environmental Sustainability Report 2017, setting out its progress over the past 12 months, including key...

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Subfossil trees preserved in Iceland

Silent witnesses: how an ice age was written in the trees

27 Feb 2018

What connects a series of volcanic eruptions and severe summer cooling with a century of pandemics, human migration and the rise and fall of...

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Illuminating the hidden kingdom of the truffle

12 Feb 2018

Truffles are one of the world’s most expensive ingredients, and also one of the most mysterious. Now, with the help of a 170-year-old ‘living...

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In Peruvian Amazon Rainforest

‘Keep it local’ approach to protecting the rainforest can be more effective than government schemes

12 Sep 2017

Conservation initiatives led by local and indigenous groups can be just as effective as schemes led by government, according to new research. In some...

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Opinion: Measures of poverty and well-being still ignore the environment – this must change

04 Aug 2017

Despite the value that humans get from nature, it is not included in measurements of poverty and well-being. Cambridge's Judith Schleicher and...

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Hopetoun Falls, Beech Forest, near Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia.

Opinion: Are universities ready for a new kind of science?

06 Jun 2017

Is the knowledge and scholarship that universities produce relevant to the problems the world faces? In a new essay co-authored with an international...

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Bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth. Scotland

Where the river meets the sea: the making of ethical decisions

10 Aug 2016

What is our place in the natural world – and how do we feel about the scientific advances that are changing the way we live? In her book Making a...

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Biodiversity should be focus of businesses’ efforts to mitigate their environmental impact, says new report

14 Jul 2016

Biodiversity, the variety of plant and animal life in the world, is a fundamental component of ‘natural capital’ that businesses are dependent upon...

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Going green: why don't we all do it?

10 Jun 2016

From wind turbines and solar photovoltaics to grey water recycling and electric vehicles, technology is making it ever easier for us to be green –...

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Artist's interpretation of existing (left) and adapted (right) responses to flooding

Waterworld: can we learn to live with flooding?

03 Jun 2016

Flash floods, burst riverbanks, overflowing drains, contaminants leaching into waterways: some of the disruptive, damaging and hazardous consequences...

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UK steel can survive if it transforms itself, say researchers

15 Apr 2016

A new report from the University of Cambridge claims that British steel could be saved, if the industry is willing to transform itself.

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Wetlands in Cape May, New Jersey, USA

Up to four-fifths of wetlands worldwide could be at risk from sea level rise

24 Feb 2016

Researchers have modelled how wetlands might respond to rising sea levels, and found that as much as four-fifths of wetlands worldwide could be lost...

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