Topic description and stories

Infared spectrometer at mount Erebus, Antarctica

Remote sensing in extreme environments

01 Feb 2007

Sensor technologies are being applied in ever more challenging environments but they don’t get much more extreme than a 3800-metre-high volcano in...

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Niah-Cave, Borneo

Re-thinking the past, present and future

01 Feb 2007

Understanding our biological past is a tricky business. It's like trying to build a jigsaw puzzle when most of the pieces are missing. However...

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Lecture: The Prince of Wales's Business & the Environment Programme

31 Jan 2007

H Lee Scott, CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., will be in London today to deliver the London Lecture of The Prince of Wales's Business & the...

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New Hall to achieve Cambridge first at Chelsea Flower Show

17 Jan 2007

For what is believed to be the first time in the event’s 155-year history, a Cambridge college will be contributing a garden to this year’s Chelsea...

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Energy survey reveals gap between attitudes and action

20 Dec 2006

A new survey of public attitudes towards energy and the environment has shown a clear divergence between people’s views as citizens and their actions...

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It's a jungle out there

New post to spearhead research into saving biological diversity

13 Oct 2006

A ground-breaking professorship that will unify research into how to tackle the Earth’s waning biological diversity is to be created at the...

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Cambridge teaching for adult learners enters cyberspace

04 Sep 2006

Adult learners are to be given the chance to study everything from climate change to ancient Rome online with the University of Cambridge, starting...

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Coral Reef at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

Researchers appeal for new regulations to save coral reefs from live fish trade

04 Aug 2006

Researchers are calling for tighter controls on the live reef fish trade, a growing threat to coral reefs, in letters to the international journal...

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Business leaders support tougher stance on climate change

08 Jun 2006

The Cambridge Programme for Industry has announced that fourteen senior executives of some of the UK’s leading businesses have approached the Prime...

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Zebra Mussels

‘Sugar-coated pill’ helps the medicine go down

02 Feb 2006

Cambridge scientists have discovered a solution for controlling one of the world’s biggest environmental and ecological pests – the zebra mussel.

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