Topic description and stories

‘GiganteForest’: A view through the undergrowth in tropical forest at the study site in Panama

Increased tropical forest growth could release carbon from the soil

16 Aug 2011

Study highlights how litterfall could lead to a release of stored carbon from the soil

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In soil we trust

14 Jul 2011

Far from being merely ‘dirt’, soil plays a fundamental role in food production, water availability and biodiversity. A new research programme aims to...

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Responsible farming

Nature’s value to business

12 Jul 2011

A programme convening business leaders and policy makers is helping to identify the value to business of nature – and the step changes needed to...

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icy world

Cambridge Ideas: This Icy World

30 Mar 2011

Cambridge University glaciologist Professor Julian Dowdeswell has spent three years of his life in the polar regions. //-->

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Amazon leaf canopy

Forests and global change

28 Mar 2011

The future of forests in a changing world will be debated at an international conference in Cambridge this week.

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First biodiversity symposium looks to future

16 Sep 2010

Cambridge Conservation Initiative’s (CCI), inaugural symposium, held on Wednesday, focused on how to conserve natural capital and the...

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Scientists plot key sites for tiger’s last stand

14 Sep 2010

Efforts to protect the wild tiger should be intensively focused on a few key sites if conservationists are to have any chance of saving it from...

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To save biodiversity, society’s behaviour must change

09 Sep 2010

Leading conservationists warn that in order to save biodiversity, society's behaviour must change.

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Bioenergy research blooms in Cambridge

01 Aug 2010

The Bioenergy Initiative is bringing biology and engineering together to address the challenge of meeting our future energy needs.

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Four of the first cohort of Herchel Smith Research Fellows: from left to right, Yanwen Wu, Carlo Sias, Sacri R. Ferron and Tony Southall

A legacy of talented researchers

01 Aug 2010

From quantum physics to stem cells: the research of the University's first cohort of Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Research Fellows demonstrates the...

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Green energy from algae

25 Jun 2010

Visitors to this year's Royal Society Summer Exhibition will have a chance to discover how scientists from the University of Cambridge are studying...

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How butterflies’ wings could cut bank fraud

28 May 2010

Cambridge scientists have discovered a way of mimicking the stunningly bright and beautiful colours found on the wings of tropical butterflies. The...

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