Topic description and stories


Material efficiency

01 Aug 2009

A consortium led by Dr Julian Allwood aims to drive a step-change in the manufacturing of steel and aluminium to meet 2050 carbon targets.

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Green LEDs

Lighting for the 21st century

01 Aug 2009

A remarkable light-emitting material, gallium nitride, could slash electricity consumption, purify water and kill superbugs.

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Coal power plant

Clean power from coal

01 Aug 2009

Coal – affordable and still abundant – but also the worst offender when it comes to fuel-associated carbon emissions. How well can coal be cleaned up...

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Energy Efficient Cities initiative

01 Aug 2009

A multidisciplinary initiative is focusing on the complex energy requirements of cities and how they can be reshaped.

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Organic solar cells

Organic solar cells

01 Aug 2009

How can the cost of solar cells be reduced enough to make them a feasible source of large-scale renewable energy? The answer is to make them thin.

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Red Canoes at Lake Louise

New research shows a global trend in nature-based tourism

29 Jun 2009

A new study out today found that many nations throughout the world, including the United Kingdom, are seeing an annual increase in visitors to their...

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Getting a grip: ‘Velcro’-like structure helps bees stick to flowers

14 May 2009

When bees collect nectar, how do they hold onto the flower? Cambridge University scientists have shown that it is down to small cone-shaped cells on...

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Cambridge Conservation Initiative

01 May 2009

The Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) is a new and pioneering partnership formed by the University of Cambridge and leading conservation...

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Clouds 1 - free to use

Unclouding uncertainty in climate modelling

01 May 2009

New understanding of the physics of clouds is helping to model both climate change and the impact of volcanic eruptions and wild fires.

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Corey Seehaus

The human brain is on the edge of chaos

23 Mar 2009

There has been speculation for many years that the human brain lives “on the edge of chaos”, at a critical transition point between randomness and...

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‘Magic’ lights to slash household electricity use

28 Jan 2009

A new way of making LEDs could see household lighting bills reduced by up to 75% in five years time, thanks to research at Cambridge University.

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Dr Barbara Bodenhorn

Engaging with Inuit communities

01 Jan 2009

At first glance, reasons for researching locations as different as the Arctic and Mexico are not self-evident. But comparison is at the core of...

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