Top: quagga mussel hitching a ride on a zebra mussel. Bottom: killer shrimp

Britain on brink of freshwater species ‘invasion’ from south east Europe

13 Oct 2014

New research shows multiple invasive species with the same origin facilitate each other’s ability to colonise ecosystems. By studying how these species interact as well as current population locations, researchers believe that Britain is heading for an ‘invasion meltdown’ of freshwater species from south east Europe.

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Stick insect

How stick insects honed friction to grip without sticking

19 Feb 2014

Scientists have discovered that, when upright, stick insects don’t stick. Instead, they deploy special hairy pads designed to create huge amounts of friction from the tiniest of pressure increases - ensuring that the insects grip but don’t stick.

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Original manuscript of Fauna Cantabrigiensis

The remarkable notebook of a 19th-century naturalist

09 Jan 2013

A notebook recording the fauna of Cambridgeshire observed and collected by the Reverend Leonard Jenyns between 1820 and 1849 has been published in full for the first time. A significant naturalist in his own right, Jenyns turned down the offer of a place on HMS Beagle, recommending instead a younger colleague, Charles Darwin.

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Grouper and moray.

Memory like a fish

09 Dec 2011

The traditional belief that fish have short memory spans may not be as true as we thought. Gates scholar Alex Vail is carrying out research that reveals how fish remember other sea creatures and even people.

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