Still from the film Cave of Forgotten Dreams

32,000 years of special effects

01 April 2011

The only Briton to have entered the spectacular cave featured in Werner Herzog’s new documentary explains how rock-art was just one element of multi-sensory performances...

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Ant upside down

Cambridge Ideas - Sticky Feet

31 March 2011

Ants have incredibly sticky feet. With them they can hang onto ceilings, while carrying 100 times their body weight.

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Cambridge Ideas - The Music In Me

31 March 2011

Dr Jason Rentfrow, from the University's Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, explores the links between personality and musical taste.

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St Peter Port harbour

Cambridge Ideas - Forgotten Heroes

31 March 2011

A Cambridge University archaeologist, along with two other researchers in Guernsey, has uncovered a previously unseen archive featuring the testimonies of people who were deported...

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icy world

Cambridge Ideas: This Icy World

30 March 2011

Cambridge University glaciologist Professor Julian Dowdeswell has spent three years of his life in the polar regions.

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