
7 billion: The crowded planet

29 September 2011

On the eve of the world’s population reaching 7 billion, leading minds discuss what the future holds for our increasingly crowded planet.

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Kevin Dutton

I’d love to smash the Ritz…

29 September 2011

Social psychologist and best-selling author Dr Kevin Dutton, Research Fellow at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, puts the recent riots under the microscope...

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A painting thought to be of Simon Forman

Magic and medicine

27 September 2011

A digital resource dedicated to Simon Forman, the notorious, self-styled astrologer-physician, later dubbed the 'Elizabethan Pepys', has been launched to mark the 400th anniversary of...

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Still from Memories of old awake

Cambridge Ideas - Memories Of Old Awake

26 September 2011

Cambridge University academic, Dr Emily Lethbridge, is breathing new life and understanding into the centuries-old Sagas of Icelanders (Íslendingasögur) during a unique year-long research trip.

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Cambridge on Instagram

Smartphone art

25 September 2011

As mobile phone cameras improve, emerging forms of social media are basing themselves in ‘iPhoneography’. While social media is often held up as an example...

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