Rock art site and digital visualisation

Bronze Age Facebook

18 May 2012

Large clusters of rock art spanning thousands of years but located at the same site may hold key to detecting massive cultural changes in prehistoric...

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Eu, Christiane F., 13 anos drogada e prostituída (published by Bertrand Brasil)

Intoxicating history

18 May 2012

In tracing the modern history of Germany’s policy on intoxicant and drug use, which favours therapy rather than punishment, Cambridge historian Dr Victoria Harris highlights...

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Erich Honecker, leader of the German Democratic Republic from 1971 until 1989. The film follows not only his demise as head of state, but the story of what happened next.

The End Of Honecker

17 May 2012

A film about the downfall of the East German head of state, Erich Honecker, which includes an astonishing interview with his apparently unrepentant widow, will...

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Scene depicting a husband and wife accusing each other before a quadi (judge) from Les Makamat de Hariri (1054-1122). .

Encounters in medieval matrimony

17 May 2012

Scholars from five different institutions, and both Christian and Muslim backgrounds, will gather in Cambridge tomorrow to look at medieval Islamic marriage and how it...

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A vegetable vendor uses a solar lamp to light her stall

Frugal innovation

17 May 2012

Co-author of recently published book 'Jugaad Innovation', Professor Jaideep Prabhu argues that a frugal and flexible approach to innovation can generate breakthrough growth not only...

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Twelve Short Walks, 2005, George Shaw (detail)

Grey days in empty places

16 May 2012

A show at the Fitzwilliam Museum featuring the work of contemporary British artists Michael Landy and George Shaw explores the places in between town and...

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