Type 1 diabetes and Crohn's disease genes identified
07 June 2007The Copyright Cup
06 June 2007Books were replaced by boots as a team from Cambridge University Library travelled to Edinburgh last weekend for the inaugural Copyright Cup football tournament.
Polar science: IPY and SPRI
01 June 2007The largest coordinated programme of international polar activities in 50 years – International Polar Year (IPY) – kicked off globally on 1 March 2007. Building...
A life on the opera stage
17 May 2007One of the most distinguished sopranos of her generation will visit Cambridge this evening to speak about her life and career with the world's foremost...
Cells make meal of Huntington's disease
08 May 2007Happy Danes are here again
17 April 2007Denmark tops the bill in a European happiness survey – but Britain is gloomier than most of its EU peers
Anything on the hearth tonight, love?
13 April 2007Food and medicine in classical Greece: the ‘blurred boundary’
01 April 2007What distinguishes a drug from food? Laurence Totelin traces the emergence of a definition in ancient Greece.
Why are we so fat?
01 April 2007For some people, the urge to eat is uncontrollable. Cambridge scientists have taken us a step closer to understanding the causes of obesity by studying...