Intestinal cells

Stem cell casino

18 March 2011

A shake of the dice and a nod from the neighbour – new facets of stem cell biology uncovered when methods in theoretical physics were...

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Wheat stem rust

Defending crops with maths

18 March 2011

A mathematical toolkit could dramatically reduce crop losses from pests and pathogens, helping to safeguard future food security.

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El Eternauta, Argentina

New perspectives on Latin America

17 March 2011

At the Centre of Latin American Studies, interdisciplinary research is offering a new perspective on the creativity, challenges and lessons that can be learned from...

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Siberian timber being delivered to China

Where empires meet

17 March 2011

How two ‘rising powers’ – China and Russia – interact across the border they share with resource-rich Mongolia is the focus of a network led...

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Positron emission tomography

What do drugs do to the brain?

17 March 2011

Drug abuse is probably linked to an in-built tendency to act without thinking, as shown by studies of siblings of chronic stimulant users, a leading...

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