Caricature of Darwin riding on a beetle by Albert Way

Mr Darwin’s postbag

01 May 2009

Through the Darwin Correspondence Project, a rich collection of letters held at Cambridge University Library is both transforming our understanding of one of the greatest...

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Stirring tails of evolution

01 May 2009

Researchers in Cambridge are studying how the generation of fluid flow by organisms may have played a role in the evolution of biological complexity.

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Drying without dying

01 May 2009

Some remarkable organisms are able to withstand almost complete desiccation. How they survive is providing Cambridge researchers with new ideas for biostable therapeutics.

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Kyung Chae Jeong, National Cancer Center, South Korea

Cancer Research UK

01 May 2009

Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent charity dedicated to cancer research, spending around £300 million a year on world-class research to beat cancer....

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