Best ever snapshot of Black Hole's jets

That's funny

02 June 2010

Paul Murdin from the Institute of Astronomy put a human face to the names behind some of the greatest discoveries to have taken place in...

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Chicago Skyline

An American Tale

31 May 2010

David Reynolds' attempt to tell the history of America in 90 episodes in the landmark Radio 4 series, "America, Empire Of Liberty" set Cambridge's Professor...

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Book of Old Times

The uncensored Jane Austen

30 May 2010

The early works of Jane Austen may not be as well remembered as her six novels, but as Janet Todd explained, they reveal a sense...

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History’s bitter pill

27 May 2010
The British Empire presided over innumerable atrocities and acts of appalling cruelty, but what use is acknowledging those injustices when they are so distant from...
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Ben's Crib

All things being equal

27 May 2010

UK law is different for men and women on issues such as maternity or paternity leave. Dr. Jude Browne’s research asks about whether our gender...

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Empty swingset

A Class Apart

26 May 2010

Despite our best efforts, social mobility in the UK does not seem to be improving. Diane Reay, Professor of Education at the University of Cambridge,...

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