
Space, time and a supper

31 May 2011

With the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, providing one of the star turns on the first day of this year's Hay Festival, God was appropriately...

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Johan Cruyff at the 1974 World Cup Final.

The beautiful, neglected game

26 May 2011

Millions of people will tune into the Champions’ League Final this weekend; billions watch the football World Cup. But despite its popularity, professional historians have...

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India’s new brand of colonialism

25 May 2011

The plight of Binayak Sen, the Indian public health expert recently bailed from prison on controversial sedition charges, is symptomatic of the problems facing India’s...

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Don't Eat the Plants

Cambridge Ideas - Don't Eat the Plants

23 May 2011

Are plants as defenceless as they appear?

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Japan of the apocalypse

Facing up to Fukushima

20 May 2011

In the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima reactor, Japan and other nations are re-evaluating their attitude to nuclear energy. Cambridge academic Tony Roulstone...

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