Close-up of the moss pots incorporated into a novel table developed at Cambridge University.

The hidden power of moss

22 September 2011

Scientists at Cambridge University are exhibiting a prototype table that demonstrates how biological fuel cells can harness energy from plants.

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Ancient weight excavated from the east coast of Italy

Adventures of a palaeolinguist

20 September 2011

The curious bronze, knuckle-shaped object pictured is an ancient weight excavated from the east coast of Italy. The inscription scrawled along its side is written...

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Antarctic Ozone Hole

Whither the ozone hole?

16 September 2011

To mark the annual International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (Ozone Day), Dr Neil Harris, an expert on the atmospheric composition from...

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A section of an Ashby chart

It’s a material world

15 September 2011

A spin-out from Cambridge's Engineering Department and a leading supplier of materials information technology software to industry, Granta Design has achieved an average growth of...

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