Six affiliates of the University of Cambridge are among 50 world-leading UK researchers who have been elected to the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
Six affiliates of the University of Cambridge are among 50 world-leading UK researchers who have been elected to the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
The new Fellows have been chosen for their exceptional contributions to advancing biomedical science via world-leading research discoveries, running national science communication and engagement programmes and translating scientific advances into benefits for patients and the public.
The value of medical science has never been more apparent than during the current coronavirus global health crisis. From testing and vaccine development, to public health and behavioural science, to addressing the impacts of lockdown measures on mental health, biomedical and health scientists are helping to guide the UK through unprecedented challenges.
Several new Fellows have redirected their research efforts to tackle the effects of the pandemic, such as Professor Ludovic Vallier FMedSci, a stem cell expert from the University of Cambridge, who has refocussed part of his team to study the effects of coronavirus on the liver. Professor Tamsin Ford CBE FMedSci, a Professor of Psychiatry at Cambridge, has channelled her expertise into looking at mental health impacts of the pandemic on children and young people.
Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said: “This year our new Fellows announcement happens amidst a global health crisis. Never has there been a more important time to recognise and celebrate the people behind ground-breaking biomedical and health research, working harder than ever to further knowledge and protect patients and the public.
“It brings me great pleasure to congratulate the new Fellows, and see our Fellowship grow to even greater heights of evidence-based advice, leadership and expertise.”
The University of Cambridge Fellows elected in 2020 are:
Professor Menna Clatworthy FLSW, NIHR Research Professor and Professor of Translational Immunology, University of Cambridge and Associate Faculty, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Fellow, Pembroke College
Dr Helen Firth, Consultant Clinical Geneticist, Cambridge University Hospitals, Honorary Faculty Member, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Bye-Fellow, Newnham College
Professor Tamsin Ford CBE, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Fellow, Hughes Hall
Professor Ziad Mallat, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Cambridge
Dr Nitzan Rosenfeld, Senior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge
Professor Ludovic Vallier, Professor of Regenerative Medicine, Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, Fellow, St Edmund’s College
The new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy on 25 June 2020.
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