Dr Anna Rowlands, who is a member of both Girton College and St Edmund's College, will preach the University Sermon in Great St Mary's, the University Church, at 11.15 am on Sunday 3 February.
Dr Anna Rowlands, who is a member of both Girton College and St Edmund's College, will preach the University Sermon in Great St Mary's, the University Church, at 11.15 am on Sunday 3 February.
Dr Rowlands, who is currently Lecturer in Theology and Ministry at King’s College, London and also a Research Associate of St Edmund’s College, works at the interface of Political, Moral and Practical Theologies.
She has an academic background in social sciences as well as in theology and has engaged with both community and faith-based organisations to promote the application of theology to public discourse in civil society, as well as in academia and the Church.
She was formerly Director of Studies at The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology and spent seven years in Cambridge educating those training for ministry in the Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and United Reformed traditions.
She is the founding Director of a new Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice and last year was the organiser of a major symposium on theological ethics and the crisis of capitalism.
Her doctoral research was concerned with the British social philosopher Gillian Rose, and she continues to work with the writings of Gillian Rose, Simone Weil and Hannah Arendt.
Dr Rowlands is currently focusing on responses to migration, and in particular around asylum-seeking and public policy.
All are welcome and there will be a wine-reception in Michaelhouse afterwards for those present.
Members of the University attending should wear their gowns.
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