A new training and research programme at the University of Cambridge will fund PhD students and early-career researchers as they work to develop technologies for the world’s future energy and computational needs.
A new training and research programme at the University of Cambridge will fund PhD students and early-career researchers as they work to develop technologies for the world’s future energy and computational needs.
Supported by a donation from Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, a Greek businesswoman, parliamentarian and President of the 2004 Athens Olympics, the Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science, Technology and Innovation will be an internationally unique ecosystem of training, research and entrepreneurial activity.
The Programme will support PhD students and four academic positions based at the University’s Cavendish Laboratory in the fields of energy materials and devices and computational multiphysics.
Computational modelling of complex problems is the most efficient method of assessing scientific potential across a range of sectors and will drive some of the key materials and device science of the coming decades, from ultra-efficient batteries and nanotechnology to superconductivity and biologically-inspired systems.
In addition, an embedded Impact for Greece Programme will actively seek opportunities to establish strong links with Greek academic institutions and industry, facilitating a two-way exchange of people and ideas. Joint initiatives and network-building will be at the forefront of this activity.
Mrs Angelopoulos-Daskalaki said: “My hope is for this to be a Programme of real international reach and impact, building on the solid foundation of the University of Cambridge: a programme which will generate opportunities for fundamental research to be channelled to practical uses and business development. My experiences in Greece and elsewhere have shown me the vital importance of cultivating academic and business collaborations in order to contribute to the well-being of society.”
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen Toope, said: “The University greatly admires Mrs Angelopoulos’ strong commitment to the development of young scientists at the forefront of their fields and her vision to develop their work for world-changing impact. Her vision of strengthening collaboration between industry and academia for mutual benefit is in perfect alignment with the University’s mission.”
In the first instance, the Programme will commission projects in two of the strategic areas of research at the Cavendish Laboratory, namely Computational Multiphysics for advanced energy, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing applications, and Energy Materials and Devices for energy generation, storage, transmission and usage.
Dr Nikolaos Nikiforakis, an academic with key expertise in the relevant fields and considerable experience in running similar programmes, has been appointed as the Programme Director. The Programme will be hosted by the Cavendish Laboratory at the Maxwell Centre on the West Cambridge Campus, with links to the broader research, teaching and business ecosystem of the Cambridge region.
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