Health and medicine

Dr Ben Bowers pictured at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he is a Postdoctoral Associate

University clinical academic nurse named in NHS Top 75

03 Jul 2023

A clinical academic community nurse at the University of Cambridge has been named as one of the top 75 nurses and midwives who have contributed in a...

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Cambridge Biomedical Campus panoramic view

A very healthy relationship: the University and the NHS

03 Jul 2023

As the NHS celebrates its 75th anniversary, we look at how the close relationship between the University and the hospitals on its doorstep is driving...

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The medical student tackling the taboo around periods

03 Jul 2023

Fifth-year medical student, Ashna Biju, is not afraid to talk about the topics that other people would rather avoid. She’s passionate about public...

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Professor Charlotte Coles

Radiotherapy boost cuts breast cancer treatment time by at least one week

03 Jul 2023

Treatment times for radiotherapy could be reduced for some early breast cancer patients, according to a trial led by University of Cambridge and The...

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Woman with multiple sclerosis in a wheelchair using her phone

Scientists identify first genetic marker for MS severity

28 Jun 2023

A study of more than 22,000 people with multiple sclerosis has discovered the first genetic variant associated with faster disease progression, which...

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Bicycle lying in the road in front of a car

Cambridge to lead new research platform to transform treatment of traumatic brain injury in the UK

28 Jun 2023

Cambridge is to lead a £9.5m research platform that aims to transform the way survivors of traumatic brain injury are diagnosed and treated in the UK...

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Girl reading a book

Reading for pleasure early in childhood linked to better cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in adolescence

28 Jun 2023

Children who begin reading for pleasure early in life tend to perform better at cognitive tests and have better mental health when they enter...

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Imaging of the Supplementary Motor Area (left) and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (right) from the study

Chemical imbalance in the forebrain underpins compulsive behaviour and OCD

27 Jun 2023

Neuroscientists say that the findings are a “major piece of the puzzle” in understanding OCD, and could open up new lines of treatment.

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Day 4 embryoid

Human embryo-like models created from stem cells to understand earliest stages of human development

27 Jun 2023

Cambridge scientists have created a stem cell-derived model of the human embryo in the lab by reprogramming human stem cells. The breakthrough could...

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Close up of a person being injected with a vaccine

‘Ageing’ immune cell levels could predict how well we respond to vaccines

27 Jun 2023

Cambridge scientists have identified a signature in the blood that could help predict how well an individual will respond to vaccines. The discovery...

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Dr Raj Jena in front of a computer

AI cuts waiting times for cancer patients in NHS first

27 Jun 2023

Artificial intelligence developed by and for the NHS at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge is reducing the amount of time cancer patients wait for...

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Image of the globe made up of binary numbers

Act now to prevent uncontrolled rise in carbon footprint of computational science

26 Jun 2023

Cambridge scientists have set out principles for how computational science – which powers discoveries from unveiling the mysteries of the universe to...

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