Close-up of the moss pots incorporated into a novel table developed at Cambridge University.

The hidden power of moss

22 September 2011

Scientists at Cambridge University are exhibiting a prototype table that demonstrates how biological fuel cells can harness energy from plants.

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Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle

Putting metabolism on the eco-map

01 February 2008

One of the latest technologies to emerge - metabolomics - is being used to create a snapshot of how environmental chemicals affect living organisms.

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Lumora: how a firefly sparked a solution to food safety

01 April 2007

Food safety is a growing problem. The number of reported food poisoning cases in the UK has increased in the past 25 years from 23,000 to 80,000 cases annually. There are several contributing factors such as a wider choice of ready-made meals with shorter shelf-life, as well as longer produce-shipping times and growing food intolerances.

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