Topic description and stories

Why mole rats are more flexible than we previously thought

30 Aug 2016

One of the most interesting facts about mole rats – that, as with ants and termites, individuals specialise in particular tasks throughout their...

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Zebra Finch

Genes discovered that enable birds to produce the colour red

20 May 2016

Latest research suggests a new mechanism for how sexual displays of red beaks and plumage might be ‘honest signals’ of mate quality, as genes that...

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Baboon troop

Baboons watch neighbours for clues about food, but can end up in queues

20 Apr 2016

Baboons learn about food locations socially through monitoring the behaviour of those around them. While proximity to others is the key to acquiring...

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DNA was extracted from the molar teeth of this skeleton, dating from almost 10,000 years ago and found in the Kotias Klde rockshelter in Western Georgia.

‘Fourth strand’ of European ancestry originated with hunter-gatherers isolated by Ice Age

16 Nov 2015

Populations of hunter-gatherers weathered Ice Age in apparent isolation in Caucasus mountain region for millennia, later mixing with other ancestral...

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Female burying beetle with offspring.

Burying beetles: could being a good father send you to an early grave?

22 Sep 2015

New research shows beetles that received no care as larvae were less effective at raising a large brood as parents. Males paired with ‘low quality’...

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Zebras, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Predators might not be dazzled by stripes

12 Aug 2015

New research using computer games suggests that stripes might not offer the ‘motion dazzle’ protection thought to have evolved in animals such as...

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Zebra Finches

Stressed young birds stop learning from their parents and turn to wider flock

23 Jul 2015

Juvenile zebra finches that experience high stress levels will ignore how their own parents forage and instead learn such skills from other...

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Brown thornbill

Birds ‘cry hawk’ to give offspring chance to escape predators

03 Jun 2015

Surprising finding shows that thornbills simulate a ‘chorus of alarm’ to distract predators by convincing them something scarier is on its way.

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Neolamprologus pulcher (N. Pulcher) breed of cichlid fish used in the study

Fish born in larger groups develop more social skills and a different brain structure

07 May 2015

New research on a highly social fish shows that those reared in larger social groups from the earliest stage of life develop increased social skills...

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Baboon fight

Females protect offspring from infanticide by forcing males to compete through sperm instead of violence

13 Nov 2014

Latest research shows the females of some mammal species will have many mates to ensure unclear paternity, so that males can’t resort to killing...

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Top: quagga mussel hitching a ride on a zebra mussel. Bottom: killer shrimp

Britain on brink of freshwater species ‘invasion’ from south east Europe

13 Oct 2014

New research shows multiple invasive species with the same origin facilitate each other’s ability to colonise ecosystems. By studying how these...

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Stick insect

How stick insects honed friction to grip without sticking

19 Feb 2014

Scientists have discovered that, when upright, stick insects don’t stick. Instead, they deploy special hairy pads designed to create huge amounts of...

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