Topic description and stories

Supermarket aisle

Messaging on healthy foods may not prompt healthier purchases: study

28 Jun 2022

Healthy food cues standing alone don’t prompt healthier buying decisions, but they may counter advertising for sugary and fatty foods, says study co-...

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Shopping carts

Removing sweets and crisps from supermarket checkouts linked to dramatic fall in unhealthy snack purchases

18 Dec 2018

Policies aimed at removing sweets and crisps from checkouts could lead to a dramatic reduction in the amount of unhealthy food purchased to eat ‘on-...

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Tesco Linwood

Flexible hours 'controlled by management' cause stress and damage home lives of low-paid workers

20 Apr 2016

Researcher Alex Wood calls on new DWP Minister Stephen Crabb to acknowledge distinction between flexible scheduling controlled by managers to...

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Fresh vegetables at supermarket

Supermarket promotions boost sales of less healthy foods more than healthier foods

11 Feb 2015

Supermarket price promotions are more likely to lead to an increase in sales of less healthy foods than healthier choices in supermarkets, according...

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The consumer society is happy (for a while)

Zero-hours contracts are ‘tip of the iceberg’ of damaging shift work, say researchers

18 Apr 2014

New report shows that zero-hours contracts are only one of a wide number of flexible employment practices that are abused by managers - leading to...

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