Topic description and stories

Stem cells, the 'building blocks' for every type of cell in the body, have tremendous potential to improve human health.

smooth muscle cells

Smooth muscle cells created from patients’ skin cells

16 Jan 2012

Scientists have created cells which make up the walls of blood vessels; research could lead to new treatments and better screening for cardiovascular...

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Myelinated nerve fibres.

Hopes for reversing age-associated effects in MS patients

06 Jan 2012

Proof of principle study suggests the age-associated decline of the remyelination process is reversible.

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Rosettes of human, patient-specific neural stem cells

Cambridge stem cells united

21 Oct 2011

Cohesion, collaboration and clinical impact are the watchwords of a new phase of stem cell research in Cambridge.

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Replacement of a faulty gene by gene therapy

Clean correction of a patient’s genetic mutation

13 Oct 2011

New gene therapy methods accurately correct mutation in patient’s stem cells, bringing personalized cell therapies one step closer.

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Partial view of haploid chromosome set

Scientists create mammalian cells with single chromosome set

13 Sep 2011

Researchers have created mammalian cells containing a single set of chromosomes instead of two.

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Human embryonic stem cell colonies

Patenting ethics in stem cell research

28 Apr 2011

Scientists say ‘No’ to a ban on stem cell patents recommended by the European Court of Justice.

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Intestinal cells

Stem cell casino

18 Mar 2011

A shake of the dice and a nod from the neighbour – new facets of stem cell biology uncovered when methods in theoretical physics were used to solve a...

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Neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells

Stem cell study could aid motor neurone disease research

14 Mar 2011

Scientists have discovered a new way to generate human motor nerve cells in a development that will help research into motor neurone disease.

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Dopaminergic neurons

Neural transplantation in Parkinson's disease: moving forward

08 Nov 2010

Scientists and clinicians across Europe have joined forces to improve the efficacy and safety of neural transplantation in Parkinson’s disease.

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liver cells

Liver cells created from patients’ skin cells

25 Aug 2010

<p>Research paves way for new liver disease research and possibly cell-based therapy.<br />  

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Four of the first cohort of Herchel Smith Research Fellows: from left to right, Yanwen Wu, Carlo Sias, Sacri R. Ferron and Tony Southall

A legacy of talented researchers

01 Aug 2010

From quantum physics to stem cells: the research of the University's first cohort of Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Research Fellows demonstrates the...

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Embryonic stem cells

Funding to boost scientific links with Japan

01 Apr 2010

Researchers in Cambridge and Japan will be working together towards a more integrated understanding of how stem cells make decisions.

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