An international team of astronomers, including researchers from the University of Cambridge, has made the most detailed image of the ring of dusty...
The first results from the Gaia satellite, which is completing an unprecedented census of more than one billion stars in the Milky Way, are being...
The discovery of two massive holes punched through a stream of stars could help answer questions about the nature of dark matter, the mysterious...
An international exoplanet ‘think tank’ is meeting this week in Cambridge to deliberate on the ten most important questions that humanity could...
A young star over 30 times more massive than the Sun could help us understand how the most extreme stars in the Universe are born.
Astronomers have found the first evidence of comets around a star similar to the sun, providing an opportunity to study what our solar system was...
Three Earth-sized planets have been discovered orbiting a dim and cool star, and may be the best place to search for life beyond the Solar System.
Astronomers have observed two black holes in nearby galaxies devouring their companion stars at an extremely high rate, and spitting out matter at a...
In 1995, in Geneva, PhD student Didier Queloz discovered a planet orbiting another sun – something that astronomers had predicted, but never found...
An international team of astrophysicists, including researchers from the University of Cambridge, has observed a new way for gas to escape the...
A new method of measuring the distances between stars enables astronomers to climb the ‘cosmic ladder’ and understand the processes at work in the...
The Gaia satellite has discovered a unique binary system where one star is ‘eating’ the other, but neither star has any hydrogen, the most common...