An innovative new study takes a network theory approach to targeted treatment in rural Africa, and finds that a simple algorithm may be more...
Baboons learn about food locations socially through monitoring the behaviour of those around them. While proximity to others is the key to acquiring...
An online experiment reveals that the overall level of cooperation in a group almost doubles when the previous actions of all its members are...
The emoticons used on Twitter are a language in themselves and are taking on new and often surprising meanings of their own, according to new...
Social networks like Twitter cannot help prevent disasters, but can quickly correct misinformation resulting from false rumours preventing possible...
As mobile phone cameras improve, emerging forms of social media are basing themselves in ‘iPhoneography’. While social media is often held up as an...
A new way of predicting which people may become friends on social networks - based on the type of places they visit - has been formulated by...
A new study is examining the value of social networking technologies to business collaboration.