Topic description and stories

'Swifts' lithograph from Carry Akroyd's 'Found in the Fields' series (detail)

Poet, activist, bird watcher: exploring John Clare as nature writer

29 Aug 2017

At a symposium next month (15 September 2017) academics, artists and ornithologists will share their responses to the work of 19th-century poet John...

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Yao honey-hunter Orlando Yassene holds a male greater honeyguide temporarily captured for research in the Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique.

How humans and wild birds collaborate to get precious resources of honey and wax

22 Jul 2016

By following honeyguides, a species of bird, people in Africa are able to locate bees’ nests to harvest honey. Research now reveals that humans use...

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Small Owl from Ornithologia libri tres by Francis Willughby

The owl and the wind turbine: how stealth feathers could help reduce noise pollution

09 Sep 2015

The Cambridge Animal Alphabet series celebrates Cambridge's connections with animals through literature, art, science and society. Here, O is for Owl...

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