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Two people speaking, sat at a table

Interfering in big decisions friends and family take could violate a crucial moral right, philosopher argues

25 Jan 2023

We have a moral duty to allow others to make ‘transformative choices’ such as changing careers, migrating and having children, a new study argues...

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What makes a good excuse? A Cambridge philosopher may have the answer

01 Jul 2019

Dr Paulina Sliwa argues that intentions are the key to making sense of our everyday morality.

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'Monstrum marinum daemoniforme' from Ulysse Aldrovandi's 'Monstrorum Historia' (1642, Bologna), p.350

What is a monster?

07 Sep 2015

In the outrage that erupted when an American dentist killed a lion, the trophy hunter was branded a 'monster'. Natalie Lawrence, a PhD candidate in...

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Tony Smith, volunteer naturalist, talks to students from Brislington Enterprise College

‘Moral identity’ key to charitable time giving

05 Jun 2015

Charities want your time and not just your money: new study identifies factors that lessen ‘time aversion’ in charitable giving.

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Immorality and invention: the “great stem cell debate”

28 Oct 2014

Human stem cell research holds promise for combating some of the most recalcitrant of diseases and for regenerating damaged bodies. It is also an...

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Looking for the good

03 Aug 2014

Anthropology looks at human differences in its study of the ‘other’ and at human commonalities in its more recent focus on the ‘suffering’. In...

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EX-TRA-PO-LATE! Moral philosophy and the Daleks

19 Apr 2011

They’ve had viewers cowering behind the sofa since ‘Doctor Who’ began – but what exactly is it that makes people so frightened of the Daleks? A new...

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Rethinking eccentricity

01 May 2009

Miranda Gill traces shifting 19th-century perceptions of eccentricity, from its association with the intoxicating lure of modernity and fashion to...

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