The first-hand testimonies of thousands of people who witnessed the bloody rebellion that paved the way for centuries of sectarian conflict in...
An endangered Greek dialect spoken in Turkey has been identified by Dr Ioanna Sitaridou as a "linguistic goldmine" because of its closeness to a...
Close scrutiny of text is the bedrock of a research culture that spans practically the whole range of contemporary English studies.
The purity and linguistic correctness of the French language has been closely guarded by the French for centuries. Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett is...
At first glance, reasons for researching locations as different as the Arctic and Mexico are not self-evident. But comparison is at the core of...
Current estimates suggest that a language dies every two weeks. Here, Geoffrey Khan describes the documentation of a group of dialects before they...
Innovative research in the Department of Linguistics suggests that dynamic features of speech could provide a clue to forensic speaker identification...