Topic description and stories


Opinion: How dangerous is burnt toast?

23 Jan 2017

A new campaign is warning people that burning some food, such as toast, is a potential cancer risk. Here, the evidence for this claim is explored by...

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Baboon troop

Baboons watch neighbours for clues about food, but can end up in queues

20 Apr 2016

Baboons learn about food locations socially through monitoring the behaviour of those around them. While proximity to others is the key to acquiring...

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Depiction of indistinguishable photons leaving through the same output port of a beam splitter

Laser technique promises super-fast and super-secure quantum cryptography

04 Apr 2016

A new method of implementing an ‘unbreakable’ quantum cryptographic system is able to transmit information at rates more than ten times faster than...

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Phone home

Intelligent airports and greener smart phones: award-winning Cambridge innovation

13 Apr 2011

Two Cambridge researchers have received prizes at the ICT Pioneers awards for their groundbreaking approach to modern problems.

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