Topic description and stories

Combating infectious diseases and the threat of antimicrobial resistance remains one of the greatest global challenges.

HIV remission achieved in second patient

05 Mar 2019

A second person has experienced sustained remission from HIV-1 after ceasing treatment, according to a study published today in Nature.

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Spanish Flu: a warning from history

30 Nov 2018

One hundred years ago, celebrations marking the end of the First World War were cut short by the onslaught of a devastating disease: the 1918-19...

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Ebola and Lassa fever targeted by new vaccine trial and improved surveillance

25 Sep 2018

Scientists hope that a new approach to vaccine development, combined with improved surveillance of potential future threats of outbreak, could help...

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Ancient American dogs almost completely wiped out by arrival of European breeds

05 Jul 2018

The arrival of Europeans to the Americas, beginning in the 15th century, all but wiped out the dogs that had lived alongside native people on the...

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Test can identify patients in intensive care at greatest risk of life-threatening infections

13 Jun 2018

Patients in intensive care units are at significant risk of potentially life-threatening secondary infections, including from antibiotic-resistant...

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Curious cows

Cost and scale of field trials for bovine TB vaccine may make them unfeasible

07 Jun 2018

Field trials for a vaccine to protect cattle against bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB) would need to involve 500 herds – potentially as many as 75,000-...

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New innovation hub aims to take a 'moon shot' at cystic fibrosis

18 Apr 2018

Almost 30 years on from the discovery of the genetic defect that causes cystic fibrosis, treatment options are still limited and growing antibiotic...

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Geographic patterns of spread of influenza pandemic

Citizen science experiment predicts massive toll of flu pandemic on the UK

22 Mar 2018

How fast could a new flu epidemic spread? The results of the UK’s largest citizen science project of its kind ever attempted, carried out by...

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AI 'scientist' finds that toothpaste ingredient may help fight drug-resistant malaria

18 Jan 2018

An ingredient commonly found in toothpaste could be employed as an anti-malarial drug against strains of malaria parasite that have grown resistant...

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Himansha Singh, Dept of Pharmacology

Postgraduate Pioneers 2017 #1

17 Oct 2017

With our Postgraduate Open Day fast approaching (3 Nov), we introduce five PhD students who are already making waves at Cambridge.

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Meet the hominin species that gave us genital herpes

02 Oct 2017

New research uses innovative data modelling to predict which species acted as an intermediary between our ancestors and those of chimpanzees to carry...

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BBC Pandemic

App-based citizen science experiment could help researchers predict future pandemics

27 Sep 2017

A new app gives UK residents the chance to get involved in an ambitious, ground-breaking science experiment that could save lives.

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