Topic description and stories

DNA (cropped)

Human genome includes 'foreign' genes not from our ancestors

12 Mar 2015

Many animals, including humans, acquired essential ‘foreign’ genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times, according to...

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Flu vaccine

Staying ahead of the game: Pre-empting flu evolution may make for better vaccines

20 Nov 2014

An international team of researchers has shown that it may be possible to improve the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine by ‘pre-empting’ the...

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Baboon fight

Females protect offspring from infanticide by forcing males to compete through sperm instead of violence

13 Nov 2014

Latest research shows the females of some mammal species will have many mates to ensure unclear paternity, so that males can’t resort to killing...

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Chimp eating army ants using an 'ant-dipping' tool

Chimpanzees have favourite ‘tool set’ for hunting staple food of army ants

16 Oct 2014

New research shows that chimpanzees search for the right tools from a key plant species when preparing to ‘ant dip’ - a crafty technique enabling...

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Fossil of Haootia quadriformis

Animals first flex their muscles

27 Aug 2014

A new fossil discovery identifies the earliest evidence for animals with muscles.

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Palaeontological reconstruction of rangeomorph fronds from the Ediacaran Period (635-541 million years ago) built using computer models of rangeomorph growth and development.

How some of the first animals lived - and died

11 Aug 2014

New three-dimensional reconstructions show how some of the earliest animals on Earth developed, and provide some answers as to why they went extinct...

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Birds evolve ‘signature’ patterns to distinguish cuckoo eggs from their own

18 Jun 2014

Using new ‘pattern recognition algorithm,’ latest research highlights how birds are ‘fighting back’ against the parasitic Common Cuckoo in what...

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Left: Illustration of Metaspriggina swimming. Right: Fossil of Metaspriggina from Marble Canyon – head to the left with two eyes, and branchial arches at the top.

New fossil find pinpoints the origin of jaws in vertebrates

11 Jun 2014

A major fossil discovery in Canada sheds new light on the development of the earliest vertebrates, including the origin of jaws, the first time this...

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Waterfowl and gamebirds

Flights of fancy: the evolution of plumage patterns in male and female birds

18 Dec 2013

Research published today looks at the evolutionary pathways to differences in bird plumage patterns between males and females – and concludes that...

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PTO organ with hair cells labelled in green

Natural barometer in birds evolved from ancient fish sense organ

04 Sep 2012

New research indicates that a bird’s ability to detect changes in air pressure is the evolutionary remnant of an ancient sense organ found in sharks...

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A chimpanzee moving bipedally during the study.

One step for early hominins: Study reveals why our ancestors switched to bipedal power

20 Mar 2012

Our earliest ancestors may have started walking on two limbs instead of four in a bid to monopolise resources and to carry as much food as possible...

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Robert Asher

Can a scientist be religious?

11 Mar 2012

The relationship between science and religion has had its rocky moments. But Dr Robert Asher, author of the newly published book 'Evolution and...

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