Topic description and stories


Opinion: Uncertain, nostalgic, uncomfortable and bewildered: a portrait of the older Brexit backer

02 Jun 2016

Geoffrey Edwards (Department of Politics and International Studies) discusses what motivates some people to support Brexit.

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On the life (and deaths) of democracy

26 May 2016

The ‘life’ of democracy – from its roots in ancient Athens to today’s perverted and ‘creeping, crypto-oligarchies’ – is the subject of a newly-...

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Students at Fitzwilliam College

Opinion: Dear young people: here’s why you need to vote in the EU referendum

20 May 2016

Catherine Barnard (Faculty of Law) discusses why it's so important that young people vote in the EU referendum.

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Queuing to vote in India

A democratic cacophony

23 Oct 2015

India is home to one of the most vibrant, engaged and mystifying democracies on the planet. Cambridge academics, across a wide range of disciplines...

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If poor people don't vote, will their children be poor as well

08 Sep 2015

Christopher Rauh, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Cambridge, looks at how differences in voter turnout between countries can...

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Online voting

Anyone for digital democracy?

02 Mar 2015

Dr Finbarr Livesey – University lecturer and Deputy Director of the MPhil in Public Policy – submitted research to Parliament’s recent report on...

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Screen capture from a Rialto PD officer's body-worn-camera

First scientific report shows police body-worn-cameras can prevent unacceptable use-of-force

23 Dec 2014

As Obama pledges investment in body-worn-camera technology for police officers, researchers say cameras induce ‘self-awareness’ that can prevent...

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All the President's Men

Classic tales of intrigue and paranoia – coming to a cinema near you!

31 Jan 2014

Don’t miss the chance to see films that explore humankind’s capacity for deception. Showing at Cambridge Arts Picturehouse in February and March...

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Alastair Campbell, Journalist; Director of Communications and Strategy, Number 10 (1997-2003) at the Chatham House event E-Leadership: Political Communication in a Digital World, 17 October 2012

Alastair Campbell at the ‘Nexus of Media and Politics’ in Cambridge

06 Nov 2013

Alastair Campbell, writer, campaigner and former communications director to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, will give a series of public lectures...

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Mongolian life stories database launched online

05 Mar 2013

An online database launched today, 5 March, provides an oral history of Mongolia, as told by 600 Mongolian citizens who look back over their lives...

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Professor David Feldman

'Votes for Prisoners? Democracy and the European Convention on Human Rights'

29 Nov 2012

Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights holding that the UK's blanket ban on voting by convicted prisoners violates Article 3 of Protocol 1...

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New Delhi from Jama Masjid's tower

India in the Global Age

10 Sep 2012

An India Cambridge 'summit' will take place on Monday 10 September at the Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi, to coincide with the Vice-Chancellor's visit to...

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