Topic description and stories

Life on Earth is at risk from an unprecedented rate of environmental change that threatens the natural resources on which we depend.

Pennine bog

Global soil carbon: new study highlights the need for better understanding and management

11 Feb 2014

The first comprehensive overview of the world’s largest terrestrial pool of carbon highlights the importance of soil carbon conservation in...

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Bailey's Harbor Boreal Forest & Wetlands

4 degree temperature rise will end vegetation ‘carbon sink’

17 Dec 2013

New research suggests that a temperature increase of 4 degrees is likely to “saturate” areas of dense vegetation with carbon, preventing plants from...

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Amazonia at a crossroads

17 Oct 2013

The Amazon rainforest faces an uncertain future – one that an international research network hopes to help steer towards sustainability.

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The Doge's Palace, Canaletto

Sustaining flood-prone Venice

09 Oct 2013

How will regions around the world adapt to an increase in sea levels? A project looking at how Venice can manage its rising waters is a remarkable...

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Tha'll do

Putting a price on our future

07 Oct 2013

Helping big businesses consider their impact on the environment is leading to a re-evaluation of activities to combine profitability with...

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Time for plan bee

03 Oct 2013

Insect pollinators provide a service worth an estimated £430 million to food, farming and retail sectors in the UK. How can we protect them, and...

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Connecting science and society: much more than a problem of communication

03 Oct 2013

As the deadline fast approaches for higher education institutions to submit the evidence on which the quality of their research will be assessed, Dr...

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The world is changing: how do we respond?

01 Oct 2013

Today we commence a month-long focus on research on sustainability and the environment. To begin, Professor Lord Martin Rees and Professor Paul...

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Sustainable livestock production is possible

25 Sep 2013

New research advocates use of pastures with shrubs and trees as it is more sustainable, improving animal welfare and increasing biodiversity.

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Taraxacum seed head

Cambridge to develop new Conservation Research Institute

20 Sep 2013

The development of a new Conservation Research Institute will be the latest addition to a flourishing conservation community in Cambridge.

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Mangrove trees along a coastline, Everglades National Park.

Mangroves could survive sea-level rise if protected

31 Jul 2013

Human activity is currently a bigger threat to mangroves, and the natural defences they provide against storm surges and other coastal disasters...

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Shedding light on forests

21 May 2013

By using advanced imaging technology, scientists are able to map on an unprecedentedly large scale – and in remarkably accurate detail - what is...

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