Topic description and stories

Life on Earth is at risk from an unprecedented rate of environmental change that threatens the natural resources on which we depend.

Opinion: How the UK and India can lead the development of ecologically smart cities

08 Nov 2016

Bhaskar Vira and Eszter Kovacs (Department of Geography and University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute) discuss how lessons learned...

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Earth, wind and flyer: the moves of Disco Tony and friends

26 Jul 2016

Disco Tony has travelled over 5,000 miles. He is grey with a yellow ring around his eyes. He is a cuckoo, but not just any cuckoo. He is one of a...

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Biodiversity should be focus of businesses’ efforts to mitigate their environmental impact, says new report

14 Jul 2016

Biodiversity, the variety of plant and animal life in the world, is a fundamental component of ‘natural capital’ that businesses are dependent upon...

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Minecraft tree “probably” the tallest tree in the Tropics

08 Jun 2016

A tree the height of 20 London double-decker buses has been discovered in Malaysia by conservation scientists monitoring the impact of human activity...

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Light microscope image of the five tentacle temnocephalan Temnosewellia c.f rouxi from cultured redclaw crayfish

A 100 million-year partnership on the brink of extinction

25 May 2016

A symbiotic relationship that has existed since the time of the dinosaurs is at risk of ending, as habitat loss and environmental change mean that a...

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La felicità nella luce della sera

Does nature make you happy? Crowdsourcing app looks at relationship between the outdoors and wellbeing

26 Apr 2016

A new app will crowdsource data to help scientists understand the relationship between biodiversity and wellbeing. The app, developed at the...

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Biggest library of bat sounds compiled to track biodiversity

14 Apr 2016

Researchers have compiled the largest known library of bat calls to identify and conserve rare species in Mexico – a country which is home to many of...

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From the Mayans to the moors: a new film series shows biodiversity conservation in a new light

14 Apr 2016

From the plight of the Ethiopian Bush Crow, to representation of nature in Winnie the Pooh, to the extinction of ancient Latin American languages...

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Lion Cub with Mother in the Serengeti

Global carnivore conservation at risk

06 Apr 2016

Shrinking habitat, increased conflict projected in regions critical to survival of threatened apex predators.

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Carpenter bee (Xylocopa flavorufa) visiting coffee flower (Coffea arabica)

Pollinator species vital to our food supply are under threat, warn experts

26 Feb 2016

A new report from experts and Government around the world addresses threats to animal pollinators such as bees, birds and bats that are vital to more...

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How 'more food per field' could help save our wild spaces

28 Jan 2016

Increased farm yields could help to spare land from agriculture for natural habitats that benefit wildlife and store greenhouse gases, but only if...

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Lion waiting in Namibia

Banning trophy hunting could do more harm than good

11 Jan 2016

Trophy hunting shouldn’t be banned, but instead it should be better regulated to ensure funds generated from permits are invested back into local...

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