Topic description and stories

Life on Earth is at risk from an unprecedented rate of environmental change that threatens the natural resources on which we depend.

Oriental white backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis)

Endangered vultures at risk from tainted cows

21 Aug 2006

Asian vultures are at risk of lethal kidney failure if they feed from carcasses of a cow that died after treatment with the anti-inflammatory drug...

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Coral Reef at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

Researchers appeal for new regulations to save coral reefs from live fish trade

04 Aug 2006

Researchers are calling for tighter controls on the live reef fish trade, a growing threat to coral reefs, in letters to the international journal...

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View from a tower at St John's

£3.8 million gift for Conservation Biology

24 Mar 2006

The Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund has provided £3.8 million to endow in perpetuity a professorship in Conservation Biology at the University of...

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Zebra Mussels

‘Sugar-coated pill’ helps the medicine go down

02 Feb 2006

Cambridge scientists have discovered a solution for controlling one of the world’s biggest environmental and ecological pests – the zebra mussel.

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