Topic description and stories

Life on Earth is at risk from an unprecedented rate of environmental change that threatens the natural resources on which we depend.

Chocolate-backed Kingfisher

Farming and the fate of wild nature

19 Jul 2011

As the drive to increase food production gathers pace, conservation scientists suggest that reconciling food security with protecting biodiversity...

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In soil we trust

14 Jul 2011

Far from being merely ‘dirt’, soil plays a fundamental role in food production, water availability and biodiversity. A new research programme aims to...

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Birds of a feather display only a fraction of possible colours

23 Jun 2011

Research reveals plumages exhibit less than a third of possible colours birds can see.

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Bags of charcoal lined on the road into Dar es Salaam. This charcoal was produced in the forest and woodlands outside of Dar.  Charcoal is the main source of cooking fuel in urban areas across sub-Saharan Africa.

Scientists calculate the true cost of saving rainforest and improving food security

31 May 2011

Current plans to mitigate deforestation could adversely affect rural poor.

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Image shows a variety of cuckoo finches each adapted to mimic a different host species or colour morph

Biological arms races in birds

13 Apr 2011

New research reveals how biological arms races between cuckoos and host birds can escalate into a competition between the host evolving new, unique...

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Amazon leaf canopy

Forests and global change

28 Mar 2011

The future of forests in a changing world will be debated at an international conference in Cambridge this week.

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Insects hold atomic clues about the type of habitats in which they live

14 Mar 2011

Researchers discover an ‘atmospheric imprint’ in insects, revealing where they are most likely to survive should climate change alter their ecosystem...

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Interviewing a forest villager

Nature dialogues: whose ecosystem?

01 Nov 2010

Finding the right balance between global and local demands on the natural world could help reduce poverty.

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First biodiversity symposium looks to future

16 Sep 2010

Cambridge Conservation Initiative’s (CCI), inaugural symposium, held on Wednesday, focused on how to conserve natural capital and the...

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Scientists plot key sites for tiger’s last stand

14 Sep 2010

Efforts to protect the wild tiger should be intensively focused on a few key sites if conservationists are to have any chance of saving it from...

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To save biodiversity, society’s behaviour must change

09 Sep 2010

Leading conservationists warn that in order to save biodiversity, society's behaviour must change.

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Bee in flight

Translating science for conservation: bees benefit first

08 Sep 2010

A project to make conservation science accessible and relevant to conservationists and policymakers launches its first major synopsis of evidence, on...

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