Dr Andrew Gillis shows us an embryonic skate head and explains how the red denticles dotted all over it have very similar properties to human teeth...
In this video, Matt Benton shows us nuclei moving inside a beetle egg as a beetle embryo forms.
Certain types of birds may track army ant swarms using sophisticated memory and the ability to plan for the future.
Some of planet Earth’s longest living inhabitants are the focus of a major new exhibition and website brought to life by Cambridge University’s...
Ants have incredibly sticky feet. With them they can hang onto ceilings, while carrying 100 times their body weight...
New research from the University of Cambridge sheds light on how fleas jump, reaching speeds as fast as 1.9 meters per second.
Rotifers are tiny animals that survive against all the odds...
Professor Nicky Clayton researches the social behaviour, intelligence and dance credentials of birds! //-->
A tiger at Shepreth Wildlife Park recently underwent surgery at the Queen's Veterinary Hospital, Department of Veterinary Medicine in a bid to save...
African national parks such as Masai Mara and the Serengeti have seen populations of large mammals decline by up to 59 per cent, Cambridge...
Close scrutiny of the ancient remains of our ancestors’ meals gives us some sense of the development and rationale behind our strange food-sharing...