Topic description and stories

Cambridge researchers have long worked with African colleagues on issues that matter not just to the continent but to the world.

Opinion: How years of IMF prescriptions have hurt West African health systems

22 Feb 2017

International Monetary Fund policies can have a real impact on people – and don’t always yield positive results. Writing for The Conversation, Thomas...

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Molecular Lab Techniques Training

Carol Ibe: Making training for African researchers affordable

22 Feb 2017

Do you have to choose between an academic career and activism? Gates Cambridge Scholar Carol Ibe is one of an increasing number of students are...

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Taskeen Adam and Richmond Juvenile Ehwi

Multiplier effect: the African PhD students who will grow African research

21 Feb 2017

Taskeen Adam and Richmond Juvenile Ehwi are part of a PhD programme that’s enrolling five African students per year for five years, to help train...

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Sharpening our knowledge of prehistory on East Africa’s bone harpoons

20 Feb 2017

A project exploring the role of East Africa in the evolution of modern humans has amassed the largest and most diverse collection of prehistoric bone...

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Suffering from pre-eclampsia, this young mother had to undergo a Caesarean to deliver her twin boys, seen here in the arms of her mother (Malawi)

Under pressure: the battle to have a baby in Africa

16 Feb 2017

A complication of pregnancy that causes the mother’s blood pressure to rise – often fatally – is more common in women of African descent than any...

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Kathryn Savage (Alumna)

Graduate, get a job … make a difference #6

16 Feb 2017

Cambridge graduates enter a wide range of careers but making a difference tops their career wish lists. In this series, inspiring graduates from the...

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United Nations Operation in Burundi (crop)

When ideas of peace meet politics of conflict

15 Feb 2017

Research by an expert in peacebuilding shows how international ideas, practices and language of conflict resolution are transformed when they meet...

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Greengrocer at Arusha Market

Of cabbages and cows: increasing agricultural yields in Africa

13 Feb 2017

Africa’s food requirements, along with its population, are growing fast. Three research programmes ask how a better understanding of viruses...

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Dar Es Salaam

A sewage system that ‘digests’ and ‘cooks’ human waste

10 Feb 2017

Student volunteers Susannah Duck and Izhan Khan describe working with a Tanzanian community to install a system that turns sewage into essential...

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Kony 2012

The Bible as a weapon of war

08 Feb 2017

How do former Lord’s Resistance Army soldiers – men, women and children who have used the Bible as a weapon of war – learn to reread the scriptures...

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Akosombo Dam, Ghana

Keeping the lights on in Ghana

07 Feb 2017

When Ghanaian Abu Yaya wondered why his country imports all of its electroporcelain – a small but crucial component for electrical power transmission...

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Dr Vincent Owino, now conducting research in Kenya, was awarded a seed grant from the Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund

Cambridge-Africa Programme: 58 institutions, 26 countries, and growing

06 Feb 2017

We ask how a 'matchmaking' programme that teams up Cambridge and African researchers is making expertise and resources available to support Africans...

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