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Neuroscience has transformed our understanding of the brain and promises treatments for devastating disorders that affect millions.

Charts map rapid growth and slow decline of brains

06 April 2022

An international team of researchers has created a series of brain charts spanning our entire lifespan – from a 15 week old fetus to 100 year old adult – that show how our brains expand rapidly in early life and slowly shrink as we age. 

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Illustration of brain anatomy

Largest genetic study of brain structure identifies how the brain is organised

17 Aug 2023

The largest ever study of the genetics of the brain – encompassing some 36,000 brain scans – has identified more than 4,000 genetic variants linked...

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Young people smoking

Reduced grey matter in frontal lobes linked to teenage smoking and nicotine addiction

15 Aug 2023

Findings may demonstrate a brain and behavioural basis for how nicotine addiction is initiated and then takes hold in early life, say scientists.

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Overweight man playing basketball

Brain’s ‘appetite control centre’ different in people who are overweight or living with obesity

08 Aug 2023

Cambridge scientists have shown that the hypothalamus, a key region of the brain involved in controlling appetite, is different in the brains of...

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Statue of a figure hugging its knees

Experts call for urgent mental health support for people living with long term autoimmune diseases

26 Jul 2023

More than half of patients with auto-immune conditions experience mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, yet the majority are rarely...

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Drug graphic

‘Smart’ drugs can decrease productivity in people who don’t have ADHD, study finds

09 Jun 2023

Smart drugs do motivate people, but the added effort can lead to “erratic thinking”, adversely affecting above-average performers, according to...

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System of neurons with glowing connections on black background

‘Biohybrid’ device could restore function in paralysed limbs

22 Mar 2023

Researchers have developed a new type of neural implant that could restore limb function to amputees and others who have lost the use of their arms...

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Map of the fruit fly brain

First wiring map of insect brain complete

10 Mar 2023

Researchers have built the first ever map showing every single neuron and how they’re wired together in the brain of the fruit fly larva.

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Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults

31 Jan 2023

The first study to show that delivering information at the natural tempo of our neural pulses accelerates our ability to learn.

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Man looking out of window

Scientists explain emotional ‘blunting’ caused by common antidepressants

23 Jan 2023

Scientists have worked out why common anti-depressants cause around a half of users to feel emotionally ‘blunted’. In a study published today, they...

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Corpus callosum, left-right connections, in a Parkinson's brain

Slow-moving shell of water can make Parkinson’s proteins ‘stickier’

15 Nov 2022

Water – which makes up the majority of every cell in the body – plays a key role in how proteins, including those associated with Parkinson’s disease...

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Pregant woman

Autistic people are more likely to experience depression and anxiety during pregnancy

26 Oct 2022

Autistic people are more vulnerable to depression and anxiety during pregnancy, according to new research from the University of Cambridge. The...

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Elderly person's hands

Scientists detect dementia signs as early as nine years ahead of diagnosis

13 Oct 2022

Cambridge scientists have shown that it may be possible to spot signs of brain impairment in patients as early as nine years before they receive a...

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