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Thatcher speaking in the White House grounds during her 1987 visit to the USA

‘Don’t put yourself through it again’: Thatcher papers reveal ‘distress’ after bruising election win

10 Oct 2017

Margaret Thatcher’s third and final election victory dominates the 50,000 pages of her personal papers for the year 1987 – opening to the public from...

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Jeremy Corbyn campaigning in Margate, 5 September 2015

'Spin' or be lost: how Corbyn rejected New Labour PR for a more civic vision

29 Sep 2015

Scott Anthony, Affiliated Research Scholar in the Faculty of History, discusses Jeremy Corbyn's Labour leadership campaign and the history of...

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A Sellotaped page from the speech that never was. Homepage image: Miner's strike, 1984 by Nick Sarebi (CC: Att)

The speech that never was – Thatcher papers for 1984 open to the public

03 Oct 2014

Papers opened to the public today reveal how the Brighton bombing stopped Margaret Thatcher from widening her infamous ‘enemy within’ rhetoric to...

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