Byzantine bullion fuelled Europe’s revolutionary adoption of silver coins in the mid-7th century, only to be overtaken by silver from a mine in...
Agreement will enable closer research ties and funding of joint projects
The journals and scrapbooks of Pierre de L’Estoile have for generations provided a vivid picture of France in a time of religious upheaval. Now...
Despite its novelty, Emmanuel Macron's election victory in France points to one important continuity, argues Dr Chris Bickerton.
“Hell is other people,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre. His rival on the stage of occupied and post-war Paris was Albert Camus (“I am the world”). The two...
As Francois Hollande takes up his seat as President of France, will he be able to live up to the huge expectations of those who voted for him or will...
A comprehensive exploration into Gothic cathedrals and their place in medieval society will be the focus of a series of Cambridge University Slade...
It was the dawn of an age of prosperity and transformed Britain into an economic superpower but our rose-tinted view of the industrial revolution...
The British Academy has today announced the scholars elected for this year’s Fellowships in recognition of their contribution to the...
A collaborative study led by Cambridge is examining the impact on society of the destruction and reconstruction of cultural heritage.
The purity and linguistic correctness of the French language has been closely guarded by the French for centuries. Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett is...
The latest instalment of a 20-year study to understand how Britain became an island completes a tale of megafloods and super-rivers.