Over the past eight years, the University of Cambridge has become Britain’s pre-eminent showcase for documentary and feature films from and about...
In this article, originally published on the CRASSH website, Dr Rory Finnin - University Lecturer and Director of the Cambridge Ukrainian Studies...
The ‘horrifying genius’ of Soviet totalitarianism and its ability to control and quell protest will be examined tonight by Pulitzer Prize-winning...
Researchers from Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine are spending a month in Cambridge during the summer as the latest cohort in a hospitality scheme...
A new study reveals how a radical economic policy devised by western economists put former Soviet states on a road to bankruptcy and corruption.
A new study reveals how drug reimbursement policy in Poland is leaving gaping loopholes for pharmaceutical firms to exploit, raising questions about...
The rapid spread of tuberculosis in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union has been fuelled by the economic policies of the International...